Hello there!

My name is Amine Amhoume. I am a pentration tester, security researhcer, and content creator. Also, sometimes I do web development. I am from morocco. I am cybersecurity fantic and football fiend. You can reach me out in one of





My favourit quote:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill

My favorit speech:

Oh boy, I teach you some words: Preserve God, He will preserve you, Preserve God, you will find Him towards you, if you ask, then ask God, and if you seek help, then seek God’s help, and know that if the nation gathered to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you except with something that God has written for you, and if they gather to harm you With something, they did not harm you except with something that God had written for you. The pens were lifted and the papers dried up Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him.